There are ever increasing EMC threats including radio signals and transients in all secotrs, this combined with reliance on technology for performance and safety, means it is essential that EMC is designed and tested for.
This is achieved by certifiying against national and international standards which are called upon from Directives and international regulations.
UNECE Regulation 10 requires manufacturers to gain type approval for all vehicles, electronic sub assemblies, components and separate technical units. Products that have direct control of the vehicles must not emit EMC emissions above the limits and must be immune to interference levels stated in the Regulation. Products without direct control only have to meet the emission requirements. The Regulation contains 3 groups of tests, narrow band emissions, broad band emissions and immunity tests, and their acceptance levels.
Additionally, the vehicle manufacturers insist that suppliers test to their own VM specification and these requirements generally go above and beyond the legislative requirements to ensure an increased robustness and confidence for the road user.