EMC Item no.: 303
  • Antennas / Near Field Probes
  • Low Frequency Magnetic Field
Test Mode: Emissions
Test Type: Radiated
Manufacturer: Electro-Metrics
Frequency: 20Hz-50kHz

Product description

This loop antenna is used to obtain low magnetic field measurements. The loop should be connected to 50ohm measuring instruments, such as the R&S ESS/ESPI/ESIB series interference receivers. This item has a 1/4"UNC(f) thread and can be mounted on a camera-type thread tripod or on one of our tripods together with Item 840,


The loop is not for transmitting.


General specification

Frequency Range:                 20Hz to 50kHz

Coil Diameter:                       63.3cm (25")

Connector:                            BNC female