EMC Item no.: 537
  • Transient & Surge Equipment
  • CDNs
Test Mode: Transient
Test Type: Surge, Ringwave
Manufacturer: EMC Partner

Product description

The MIG0603IN3 is a surge generator for simulation of indirect lightning on telecom, process and measurement lines.

The MIG0603IN3 includes a hybrid generator with a voltage wave shape 1.2/50us at "no load" and a current waveform 8/20us at short circuit. The voltage and current wave form can be guaranteed at the terminal if the internal CDN.

The peak output voltage and current of the MIG are indicated on the display. The voltage and current wave shoaes can be monitored by connecting an oscilloscope to the two BNC monitor outputs.

The MIG0603IN3 S-R-T simulates the waveforms

IEC 61000-4-5 Combination Wave Generator (1,2/50us; 8/20us)

Telecom (10/700), ITU-T K.44

100kHz Ringwave IEC 61000-4-12

It is a compact solution with integrated 16A single phase CDN for AC or DC EUT power.


General specification

Surge generator according: IEC 61000-4-5, CWG 6.1kV, 3.05kA
  IEC 61000-4-12, Ring Wave (12, 30, 200 Ohm)
  CCITT 10/700us (15 & 40 Ohm)
  ITU-T K.44 10/700 µs
CDN parameters: Current 16A
  L/N to PE max. 280Vac
  L to N max. 480Vac
Power Requirements: 230Vac, 400 watts.