EMC Item no.: 306
  • Antennas / Near Field Probes
  • Low Frequency Magnetic Field
Test Mode: Immunity
Test Type: Radiated
Manufacturer: EMCO
Frequency: 1kHz-30MHz

Product description

The EMCO 6509 is a 12 inch diameter band-switched matching passive loop antenna designed for shielding effectiveness and immunity testing. Although just a single wired loop, the 6905 is fed from a tapped transformer providing the optimum power matching to a 50Ω power signal source. It can be used also as a receive antenna for general emission work.

General specification


Frequency Range: 1kHz-30MHz
Input Impedance: Nominal 50Ohms
Maximum Input Power: 1kW
Range Switching: Band 1: 0.001 - 0.06MHz, Band 2: 0.06 - 0.4MHz
  Band 3: 0.4 - 1.0MHz, Band 4: 1MHz - 30MHz


Loop Size: 30.4cm (12”)
Weight: 1.35kg (3lbs)
Overall Height: 47.8cm (18.75”)