EMC Item no.: 549
  • EN-61000-6-1 & 2 : Generic Immunity
  • EN-61000-4-6 : Conducted Immunity
  • CDNs
Test Mode: Emissions & Immunity
Test Type: Conducted
Manufacturer: Laplace
Frequency: 150kHz-230MHz

Product description

Now distributed by Laplace Instruments. This device is essentially an S46ST8 for shielded and unshielded USB cables. It is also referred to in our catalogue as the Laplace S46S4 CDN when supplied by them. It comes supplied with three cable sets pre-terminated for USB2-AE side long, USB2-B EUT side immunity short and Mini USB2 EUT side emission long. An Adapter AF-AF, Adapter AF-BM, Adapter AF-BF, Adapter AF-PS2M, Adapter AF-PS2F, and Adapter AF-mini5M.Also supplied are the usual 46ZZ calibration adaptors with each CDN. The whole system is supplied with spring clips to grip the CDN and an appropriate earth lead.

The device is used in both immunity & emissions.