EMC Item no.: 146
  • EN-61000-6-1 & 2 : Generic Immunity
  • EN-61000-4-3 : Immunity
  • Analysers / Receivers / Power Meters
  • Electric and Magnetic Field Probes
Test Mode: Field
Test Type: Electric
Manufacturer: Narda
Frequency: 10kHz-9.25GHz

Product description

This is a small unobtrusive electric field probe for the measurement of radiated electric field during EN61000-4-3 testing in enclosed chambers or GTEMs. As the immunity specs are now going up to 6GHz the range of this sensor is ideal. It essentially consists of the 'Orthogonal' miniature sensor. The sensor head is then connected via a duplex fibre optic cable interfacing into a fibre to RS232 adapter. A further interface then converts the RS232 to a USB connector. This then connects directly with any laptop with the PMM display software. The hired kit comes with a CD for installing on a customer’s PC. We have also written the driver enabling it to be used with one of our laptops and integrated into our Em-CIM conducted/radiated immunity software package. The probe head itself consists of three miniature dipoles 52mm from end to end. A 10m fibre optic cable will then connect the probe to the RS232 interface module.


General specification

Frequency Range:             10kHz - 9.25GHz

Level range:                       0.5v/m to 500v/m.

Dynamic range:                  60dBs.

Internal battery:                  Panasonic ML621S  3v,

                                          5mA/h rechargeable Li-Mn battery

Duration:                             nearly 60 hours.

Note: If discharged it will require a full 48 hour re-charge.

Mount thread:                      1/4" UNC(f)