EMC Item no.: 519
  • ISO 11451-X
  • ISO 11452-x
  • Regulation 10
  • DEF STAN 59-411
  • MIL STD 461
  • EN-61000-4-3 : Immunity
  • Signal Generators
  • Transient Generators / Harmonic & Flicker Analysers
Test Mode: Immunity
Manufacturer: Rohde & Schwarz
Frequency: 10MHz-20GHz

Product description

The Rohde & Schwarz SMR-20 Microwave Signal Generator provides: AM, FM, FSK and has its own built-in PULSE modulator with an on/off ratio of better than 80dB. The pulse rise/fall time is better than 10nS with minimum pulse widths of just less than 20nSec. Frequency resolution is 1Hz and a 0.01dB level resolution. A full range output attenuator covering -130dBm to +10dBm.

General specification

Frequency range: 10MHz - 20GHz