EMC Item no.: 554
  • EN-61000-6-1 & 2 : Generic Immunity
  • EN-61000-4-6 : Conducted Immunity
  • CDNs
Test Mode: Emissions & Immunity
Test Type: Conducted
Manufacturer: RML
Frequency: 150kHz-300MHz

Product description

The RML-CDN S46M3 device is for earth 2 or 3-wire AC or DC mains supplies up to 16amps and 250volts. Supplied with three sets of connecting cables: One for M3 at 16amps wire ended. One for M3 with IEC connections and the other unterminated for M1/M2 applications. Also supplied are the 46ZZ calibration adaptors with each CDN. The whole system is supplied with a ground plane complete with spring clips to grip the CDN and an appropriate earth lead.

General specification

Frequency range: 150kHz - 300MHz