EMC Item no.: 119
  • Analysers / Receivers / Power Meters
  • Tuneable Receivers and Analysers
Test Mode: Emissions
Test Type: Conducted & Radiated
Manufacturer: Rohde & Schwarz

Product description

The R&S FSH8 hand held spectrum analyser is rugged, low weight and designed for use in the field. It provides the three most important RF analysis functions needed to solve daily routine measurement tasks. It can function as a power meter, a cable and antenna tester and a two-port vector network analyzer for high performance analysis in the field.


General specification

Frequency range: 9kHz - 8GHz
Resolution Bandwidths: 100Hz to 3MHz
Accuracy: 1.5dB, typ. 1dB
Battery life: Up to 4.5 hours
Detectors: Sample, Max/Min peak, auto peak, RMS

Other accessories are available - please contact us