EMC Item no.: | 909 |
Category: |
Frequency: | 10kHz-1GHz |
Architecture is Mil. STD. 285. An engineer from EMCH will perform the testing with a range of the following hardware: Receiver, Signal Generator, RF Power Amplifiers and the appropriate range of antennas. Advice and if possible solutions will be given where a product fails to meet the required level of shielding. The basic measurement covers 10kHz - 1GHz but items 910 & 911 carry it up higher.A full report is issued presenting all the figures measured after the test. The guide price for this work is highly dependant upon the number of positions to be tested plus the number of frequency points. Also whether it is just electric field or electric & magnetic. The enclosure can also be swept under software control thusensuring disclosure of frequency points where the shielding is weak.