EMC Item no.: | 163 |
Category: |
Test Mode: | Field |
Test Type: | Magnetic |
Manufacturer: | Environmentor |
Frequency: | 2kHz-400kHz |
Similar in design and form to the BMM-3 in (Item 161) but covering a higher frequency range. The instrument is approved for measurement in accordance with the Swedish MPR/TCO band 2 recommendations. A hand-held orthogonal head is part of the system with measurement units in uTesla or mTesla.There is no RS232 interface.
Measurement Range: 5nT-2mT. Freq Range: 5Hz-2kHz (-3dB).
Fixed band filters of 16.7, 50, 100 and 150Hz.
Power 4 x 1.5 C Cells. Weight 2.6Kg. Dimensions: 180mm x 190mm x 100mm.
Interface: RS232 (9600 Baud)