EMC Item no.: 276
  • Near Field Probes
Test Mode: Field
Test Type: Radiated
Manufacturer: Hewlett Packard

Product description

The HP 11945A close-field probe set includes both the 11940A and 11941A probes to provide full coverage from 9kHz to 1GHz. This set is a powerful measurement tool for searching for and eliminating sources of interference.


The HP 11909A preamplifier typically supplied with the probe set is listed as a separate item 437 and is individually anmed HP 9447F OPT H64 Pre-Amplifier.


General specification

11940A Close Field Probe

 Frequency Range   30MHz - 1GHz  
 Max Input Power   0.5 W
 Connector  SMA Female


11941A Close Field Probe

 Frequency Range    9KHz - 30MHz 
 Max Input Power  0.5 W
 Connector  SMA Female


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