EMC Item no.: 377
  • Antennas / Near Field Probes
  • UHF-Microwave Antenna
Test Mode: Emissions & Immunity
Test Type: Radiated
Manufacturer: EMCO
Frequency: 18GHz- 40GHz

Product description

The EMCO 3116 double ridged guide antenna is a linearly polarised broadband antenna covering the frequency range of 18GHz-40GHz. A 50 Ohm type K(f) connector is mounted on the base block of the antenna.

General specification

Frequency range: 18GHz-40GHz
Impedance: 50Ohm
Front to Back Ratio: 20dB
Cross Polarisation: 20dB min
Rated i/p Power: 50 Watts
Connector: K-Type (f)
Width: 13cm
Height: 6cm
Length: 10cm
Weight: 135g
VSWR  <1.6:1
Gain Between 44 & 50 dB