EMC Item no.: 316
  • Antennas / Near Field Probes
  • Low Frequency Magnetic Field
  • Near Field Probes
Test Mode: Emissions
Test Type: Radiated
Frequency: 10kHz-230MHz

Product description

A set of three loop probes covering the frequency range 10kHz-230MHz designed to search for RF magnetic leaks especially in cabinets and shielded enclosures. They are rubber covered and colour coded for easy identification. This particular item number (316) refers to the hire of all three loops. NOTE: The electrostatic probe which covers the “E field” element in field detection can be found in (Item 394).

General specification

Frequency Range: MFA-25 (red) - 10kHz to 520kHz

MFB-25 (white) - 480kHz to 25MHz

MFC-25 (blue) - 22MHz to 230MHz

Output Connector: BNC

Weight: 0.49kg

Dimensions: 240mm x 90mm (loop) x 30mm(handle dia).